~one of my fav local acts other than 7collar t-shirt.
you said be patient, and I'm waiting for you to step aside, you know it's hard to comply with this
settle down, settle down, before the sunset roses and kill these final pieces
well i know you are by yourself, but you can always spin the circles and,
please don't kill the laughs, no please don't kill the laughs
trust me!
distance is nothing, being far from the eyes
heart is what we should hold on to, we should hold on
why can't i feel anything from anyone other than you, I'm sorry?
take me to somewhere i can live merrily, marry me and I'll work it out
i promise you, you'll be ecstatic!
the world is rotten and sick, this i know, sometimes you wonder why, should i go?
before we're blindfolded to nowhere, to nowhere seriously
now i see why, now i see why you were always saying about chances and the unwise,
you see, you never loved me truly; you were chasing opportunity
we've been together for quite sometimes, I'm not leaving you girl, it's just for a short period of time, embrace our laughs, embrace our sweetness mutually, embrace the fights, embrace the luck and the fall, we're meant to be together.
for some reason, i know you might have second thoughts, you might judge the relationship, maybe it should get better or it should switch the other way around, maybe there is something more in front of us, maybe we weren't supposedly to see each other.
but I don't give a fuck anymore. i still love you right?
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